What is Short Code Texting

SMS short codes are 5 or 6-digit phone numbers and are often used by business organizations to send out a high number of messages at once. They’re generally used as a marketing strategy and include the likes of discounts, offers, competitions, prizes to be won, and more. Because of the ability to reach such a large amount of potential customers at once, short code texting has become a very lucrative advertising tool to increase sales and profits. For a person to receive short code messages, they generally have to agree to opt-in by responding with a keyword provided in a text that’s sent out to them.

Different Forms of SMS Short Codes

Two different forms of SMS short codes are generally used for advertising. These are random and vanity short codes. While they provide mostly the same features, there are a few differences between the two when it comes to the control over the number and the price of each.

Random Short Codes

Random short codes, also called “non-vanity short codes,” involve the sending of a new code where any number can be sent out. The receiver can’t choose what that number will be. The number will be 5 or 6 digits long and randomly generated. Random short codes are cheaper, and so are the more commonly used between the two.

Vanity Short Codes

With vanity short codes, the receiver gets to choose their own number. They can also choose whether it has 5 or 6 numbers too. Because they allow the option of choice, vanity short codes usually cost more than random codes. By having control over the number that will be chosen, vanity short codes are the preferred choice by most users. It makes it easier to opt into receiving texts.

Shared vs Dedicated Short Codes

Short code texting can involve using either shared or dedicated short codes. While shared codes have been more popularly used in the past, vanity codes have now taken over. With the change in technology, they’ve become the only available type of short code for use.

Dedicated Short Codes

Dedicated short codes used to only be used typically by larger companies since they cost more. However, smaller companies have since adopted them. Because of this, they’re the only available choice of short codes used.

Shared Short Codes

Shared short codes used to be popular amongst multiple brands due to their lower cost. However, … Read the rest

Why Getting Dental Services Is Important

Our oral health plays an important role in our lives. Good oral health allows us to function in different ways. Having healthy teeth and gums helps us chew our food and digest them without any problems. It may seem like such a simple thing, which is why many people take this for granted. When people start to experience toothaches, they may find it hard to chew their foods properly, what more if their oral health worsens. Another thing having good oral health helps us with is it allows us to speak more clearly. Having damaged or missing teeth, infected gums, etc. hinders people from being able to talk properly. And not being able to communicate well can affect several aspects of your life. These roles they play allow us to maintain a more quality life. This is why we need to prioritize our oral health. When neglected, a simple toothache can lead to further complications that may ruin the quality of your life.

When you have poor oral health, not only does it affect your mouth, it can also affect other aspects of your health like increasing the chances of stroke, risk of heart disease, etc. To avoid this, visit your local dentist regularly to make sure your oral health is in good condition. Most people push aside their dental appointments til their situation worsens. As much as possible, you should go to your dentist as early as possible to avoid further oral health problems. Your dentist will prevent and resolve any dental problems that may arise. For a five star dental experience, you can visit Studio Dental Care. Their team of experts will improve your oral health and enhance those smiles. Book your dental appointment with them now!

Having a healthy smile can impact your life in positive ways. Not only does it help boost your mood and confidence, but it also gives people a good impression of you as well. A healthy smile is one of our greatest assets. It can change your appearance, your mindset, and contribute to your overall health.

Bottom line

With all the benefits having good oral health provides us with, it is pretty obvious how much care we need to put into our oral health. Its life-changing effects can either be good or bad, depending on how much you prioritize your oral health. To continue living a quality life, practice a good … Read the rest

3 Reasons to Plan Your Funeral in Advance

Death is inevitable; it is the bitterest truth man has to face. You know the fact that you are going to die and there is no way to escape it, so you should be prepared to die. If you are old now and have lived your life well, you should prepare to die a good death. If you lived an honorable life, you deserve to say goodbye to the world in an honorable manner too. One of the best ways to do that is to prepare for your funeral in advance. There are more reasons than one why you should plan your own funeral. You might be hearing it for the first time but there are several people that are planning their funeral with Arlington Mortuary before they die. It helps them in several ways.

When you plan your funeral in advance, it will relieve your family from the burden of the same. Losing a loved one is shattering so many people cannot think straight enough to plan the funeral service. If you do not want to trouble your family about making decisions, you should help them by planning your funeral on your own. The best thing about planning your own funeral is that you can plan every little detail of it – from the casket to the graveyard and beyond. You can also choose between burial and cremation as per your wish.

Another reason why you want to plan your funeral in advance is that you want to bear all the expenses of the same. Although you would be leaving a fortune behind for the survivors, you may want to cover all the funeral costs on your own without having the survivors pay any money. There are funeral homes and mortuaries that offer this service; you can contact them to plan ahead.

When you are planning your funeral in advance with the help of Arlington Mortuary, you would be able to fulfill all your last wishes. A lot of people die with their last wishes sealed in their heart. If you do not want to meet a similar fate, you should plan well. You can let the funeral home know about all your last wishes especially the ones related to your funeral so that they take care of everything.

If you would like to plan your funeral in advance, you should consult with the representative at Arlington Mortuary … Read the rest